Friday, August 28, 2009

She Worf - LMTAO Michael dorn is such a sexy man. This makes my skin crawl.

Posted via web from haunted_girl's posterous

This is Bull Shit "Mattel, Primary Reason For Toy Safety Law, Gets Exempted From It [Special Treatment]"

Mattel, Primary Reason For Toy Safety Law, Gets Exempted From It [Special Treatment]: "

When the CPSIA—the toy safety law that requires independent lab tests on toys—was passed, a lot of smaller toy manufacturers complained that it was really a dirty trick by the big toy companies to increase overhead for the small ones. Now comes word that the government has secretly exempted Mattel from the law's testing requirements—even though Mattel was responsible for 6 lead-tainted toy recalls in 2007.

'Secretly' is kind of an over-the-top word to use, right? Well, the Associated Press reports that when the CPSC voted to exempt Mattel,

CPSC issued no press release about the 3-0 vote in Mattel's favor, and information on the vote was not posted on the commission's Web site section pertaining to the CPSIA law.


The agency approved seven Mattel labs as 'firewalled third party laboratories' - the first to get that designation under the new law, which permits the 'firewall' exception. Mattel pushed hard for the firewalled labs provision when Congress was considering the legislation. The company spent more than $1 million in 2008 on lobbying, according to federal records.

'Third-party safety tests not required for Mattel' [Yahoo] (Thanks to Richard!)
(Photo: IntangibleArts)

This California K.F.C. Sells Marijuana Instead Of Chicken [Munchies]

This California K.F.C. Sells Marijuana Instead Of Chicken [Munchies]: "

We just love obvious conversions of former fast food restaurants, but this has to be the best one we've ever seen. A former Kentucky Fried Chicken has been replaced with 'Kind For Cures,' a marijuana dispensary, says LA Weekly.

It turns out that the KFC has been replaced by... a KFC. In this instance, though, the KFC stands for 'Kind For Cures', and while they do sell things that are edible, you can't buy them, or even ask about them, without a prescription.

I bet Yum Brands is just thrilled.

New KFC Opens In Palms? Sort of...(Instead of Fried Chicken, They Sell Marijuana) [LA Weekly]
(Photo: Noah Galuten)