Saturday, January 14, 2012

OZMAIL Resolution | Verizon Wireless Community

I'm sure this isn't the first post out here about the OZMAIL text messages but I believe I've figured out the true cause and how to fix it.


I've had the Samsung Droid Charge since June.  I've been receiving the text messages on and off for the last 3 weeks.  I came to the forums to find a solution.  I've tried everything that was listed here and then some.  I called a tech tuesday and they transferred me to a level 2 tech which was able to correct the problem for a week but then it came back.  After 3 calls and talking to 3 different level 2 techs, I believe I understand what's causing the issue.

First off the OZMAIL text message is not an issue.  You've been getting them all the time but your phone isn't interpreting what to do with them correctly. The notion that it's happening because you had an old email enabled phone and then upgraded to a smartphone is the root cause is incorrect.  In any email app you download and install from the market, when you add an email account to it and then turn notifications on or off, that turns on the notification/alerts in verizons ozmail system letting it know to check for emails and when you get an email, the ozmail system sends a message to your phone to alert you that you got a new email. Your phone is misinterpreting that message as a text message.  It's supposed to intercept the message and alert you that you have a new email, not pop up a text message.


How did I come to the conculsion that it wasn't due to having an old email enabled phone?  Before I had a smart phone, I never used the email or internet on my other phones so there's no way I would have had email accounts set up to even set up the notifications.  The first tech I talked to told me that I had 4 email accounts in the OZMAIL system set up with notifications turned on...that happened to correspond with the 4 accounts I had set up in the default email app on my droid charge.  Anyway they turned the notifications off in their system and I didn't receive an ozmail notification for a few days but during that time, my phone wasn't letting me know I had new email either.  I ended up changing one of my email addresses due to changing isps and when I added my new email address and deleted the email address from my isp, I started getting the ozmail messages everytime I got an email, again because I had turned on notifications for my new email address in the default samsung charge email app.  I called verizon and was transferred to another level 2 tech and he told me that in their OZMAIL admin app he saw that I had 1 account set up for notifications and alerts.  When I asked him what the email address was, he told it to me and it happened to be the new one I just created, so that alone proves that it has nothing to do with having an old email enabled smartphone.


To the issue as to why was I getting a text message everytime I got an email?  3 weeks ago I was reading a Top 25 android app article and it mentioned gosmspro as being the top sms app.  I had been using handcent for the last few years on my smartphones so I figured I'd give gosmspro a shot.  It was about that time that I started getting the OZMAIL text messages.  What I believe is happening is that when the phone is getting that message sent from verizon to let it know that I got an email, gosms is interpreting it as a text message and displaying it instead of intercepting it and sending the notification to the droid email app like it should.  I uninstalled gosmspro and sent about 10 emails to each account I had registered and not one ozmail text message.  Instead I was getting the notifications in the top bar telling me that I had a new email as it should have.  I installed gosmspro again and in my email app turned off the notifications and I did not receive an ozmail message.  Turned on the notifications in the email app and received them again.  I was able to stop them on my own.  I uninstalled gosmspro with notifications on and did not receive an ozmail message again.


In my case I found the issue to be my sms app interpretting the message sent from verizon incorrectly and displaying it as a text message.  I can't remember if I ever got one while having handcent installed.  If you love gosms and can live without getting notified when you have an email, then by all means, call verizon and have them turn off email notifications in the OZMAIL app.  That will definitely get rid of the ozmail text messages that your sms app is interpreting incorrectly.  If you want email notifications, then I suggest uninstalling gosms or any 3rd party sms app and go with the default one and notify the sms apps of the problem so that they can work with verizon to understand the correct architecture.


Anyway that's all I have, I hope this helps someone.

I love GO SMS but....Uninstalling to see if it resolves my issue.

Posted via email from haunted_girl's posterous

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